20 - Khrystle Rea - Healing With Reiki, Finding Self Awareness & Balancing Multiple Passions At Once

Season #1 Episode #20

#20 - In episode 20, Azalee chats with Khrystle Rea, a certified health and fitness coach who is on a mission to help women live a holistic and healthy life. Khrystle shares her tips on staying focused while balancing many career passions, talks about her health and food journey, and lets us in on her best tips on handling anxiety. 

PrettyAF Website 

Azalee Maslow’s Website

Khrystle’s Website

Khrystle’s Facebook

Khrystle’s Instagram 

Khrystle’s Blog - Built Skinny

A Blissfully Balanced Life Podcast

Crystals by Khrystle

Medical Medium 

Wayne Dyer

The Power of Now Journal Book by Eckhart Tolle

Ho'oponopono Meditation

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