36 - Christina Sergnese - Creating Your Signature Offer + Overcoming Mindset Blocks With A Mindset Mentor

Season #1 Episode #36

#36 - In episode 36, Azalee chats with Christina Sergnese, a marketing and mindset mentor about overcoming mindset blocks, how to connect with your ideal clients, and how to be genuine through permission-based selling. Christina shares how she pivoted her business from wedding planning to coaching and transitioned from a corporate mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset. They also discuss how to stop a corporate mindset from skewing your views away from what you need to start your online biz, all you really need to know is what you are teaching and how to build relationships!

PrettyAF Website 

Azalee Maslow’s Website

Christina’s Instagram

Creating Your Signature Offer That Sells

Christina’s Website

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